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SK Biathlon Sport .22LR, 500-round box

  • 86,99 €

A quality cartridge designed for cold and windy conditions. Bullet weight 2.59g/40grs. Exit velocity 337m/s in a 55cm barrel. NOTE: License and I

I lager.

A quality cartridge designed for cold and windy conditions. 

Bullet weight 2.59g/40grs. 

Exit velocity 337m/s in a 55cm barrel. 

NOTE: License and ID must be presented upon purchase.


We would like to inform you that we currently do not offer shipping services for ammunition directly to customers. This is due to the strict rules and regulations governing the transport of ammunition. We invite you instead to pick up your order directly from us. Alternatively, we can discuss the possibility of a personal delivery solution. Please contact us directly to arrange a suitable time and method for delivery. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.